Fairever ASM Silber Granalien - 999,9 ‰ Feinsilber
Das in diesem Produkt enthaltene Feinsilber wurde aus verantwortungsvollem Kleinbergbau bezogen.
— Zertifizierung: Das in diesem Produkt enthaltene Feinsilber stammt aus verantwortungsvoll arbeitenden Kleinbergbau-Minen. |
Interne Referenz:
Nebenprodukt des
Sichere Arbeitsbedingungen und faire Löhne
$100/kg Feinsilber
Hohe Vorteile für Bergbaugemeinden
About Fairmined
Fairmined is a product seal that certifies gold and silver from responsible artisanal & small-scale mining organizations. The objective is to bring about positive change to small-scale mining, promote sustainable social-economic development, ensure environmental protection, and give everyone access to responsibly mined gold and silver. The Fairmined certification system is secured by independent, accredited auditing organizations. This ensures that the mining organizations comply with the requirements of the Fairmined Standard. The entire supply chain is audited, which includes all companies working with and making claims about Fairmined Gold and Fairmined Silver, from the mine to the finished piece of jewelry.
Benefits for mining communities:
- A guaranteed minimum price of 95 % of the London Bullion Market price for gold and silver (Fairever even pays 96 % to 98 % for gold and 100 % to 160 % for silver!)
- A premium for better living and working conditions and community development
- Investment in organizational and social development and environmental protection
The Fairmined initiative was founded by the Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM), an international non-governmental organization that is regarded as a pioneer and leading organisation in the field of responsible artisanal & small-scale gold mining since its foundation in 2004. ARM supports this form of mining to make it a legal, organized, and profitable activity that uses efficient technologies and is socially and environmentally responsible.
To achieve the goal of responsible mining, the Fairmined Initiative works with all relevant stakeholders throughout the supply chain: from artisanal mines to legislators, manufacturers, jewelers and consumers. This stakeholder forum is the largest in this area and represents the various perspectives of the respective groups in a joint program.
The Fairmined website provides detailed information about ARM's work, the Fairmined Standard, and its benefits for artisanal and small-scale mining organizations.
The objective is to bring about positive change to small-scale mining, promote sustainable socioeconomic development, ensure environmental protection, and give everyone access to responsibly mined gold and silver. The Fairmined certification system is secured by independent, accredited auditing organizations. This ensures that the mining organizations comply with the requirements of the Fairmined Standard. The entire supply chain is audited, which includes all companies working with and making claims about Fairmined Gold and Fairmined Silver, from the mine to the finished piece of jewelry.
Benefits for mining communities:
- A guaranteed minimum price of 95 % of the London Bullion Market price for gold and silver (Fairever even pays 96 % to 98 % for gold and 100 % to 160 % for silver!)
- A premium for better living and working conditions and community development
- Investment in organizational and social development and environmental protection
The Fairmined initiative was founded by the Alliance for Responsible Mining (ARM), an international non-governmental organization that is regarded as a pioneer and leading organization in the field of responsible artisanal & small-scale gold mining since its foundation in 2004. ARM supports this form of mining to make it a legal, organized, and profitable activity that uses efficient technologies and is socially and environmentally responsible. To achieve the goal of responsible mining, the Fairmined Initiative works with all relevant stakeholders throughout the supply chain: From artisanal mines to legislators, manufacturers, jewelers, and consumers. This stakeholder forum is the largest in this area and represents the various perspectives of the respective groups in a joint program.
The Fairmined website provides detailed information about ARM's work, the Fairmined Standard, and its benefits for artisanal and small-scale mining organizations.
About Fairtrade
Fairtrade is a product seal that in addition to many other products also certifies gold and silver from responsible artisanal & small-scale mining organisations.
The Fairtrade certification system is secured by independent, accredited auditing organizations such as FLOCERT.
You'll find detailed information about the work of Fairtrade, the "Fairtrade Standard for Gold and Associated Precious Metals for Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining" and its benefits for artisanal and small-scale mining organisations on Fairtrade's website.
Faires Gold weist den Weg in eine nachhaltige Zukunft.
Egal, ob in den Anden in Peru oder in den üppigen Wäldern Kolumbiens - diese Leute sind voller Stolz auf ihre Wurzeln, Mann!
Unsere Mission ist es, ihnen dabei zu helfen, eine solide Grundlage für ihr Leben aufzubauen,
damit sie in einer gesunden Umwelt und Gemeinschaft leben können.