Ecological Gold Panning in Colombia
AGROMIN - a cooperative on its way to certification
15 November, 2022 by
Ecological Gold Panning in Colombia
Desirée Binternagel
Aidalid Vergara and her colleagues belong to the Asociacion Agrominera Unida por Mindalá (AGROMIN), a women’s cooperative in Colombia. They are so-called “barequeras” and wash gold from riverbeds – a hard job. 

In the early hours of the morning, after the women have taken their children to school, they set off in traditional boats to their work sites around the La Salvajina reservoir. For many hours a day, they stand bent over a stream of water, swirling river gravel in a bowl, just as their mothers and grandmothers did. The heavy gold particles remain in the center of the bowl, while the lighter sand sloshes
over the edge of the bowl. This natural method of gold panning is done completely without the use of chemicals or heavy machinery. 

The women have their professional future in their own hands and support each other. Purchasing Fairmined Gold is an active way to support women, like Aidalid, on their path to economic independence. ARM, as the organization behind the Fairmined certification, is helping AGROMIN to organize professionally, so they can achieve fair prices and social premiums for the 100 % ecologically mined gold.

Ecological Gold Panning in Colombia
Desirée Binternagel 15 November, 2022

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